Legal Separation or Separate Support Actions
Prenuptial Agreements
Child Custody, Child Support and Visitation
Guardianship or Conservatorship
Name Changes
Establishment of Paternity
Modification or Enforcement of Existing Orders
Alimony Modifications
Rothschild Legal Group is a boutique law firm specializing in divorce law and other domestic cases. Below is a list of some issues and case types we regularly resolve for our clients, and a short description of what each entails. This list is far from all-inclusive, so please feel encouraged to contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation regarding any family law matter.
Legal Separation or Separate Support Actions
Many people facing marital problems do not want to file for divorce for personal or religious reasons. While the concept of "legal separation" does not exist in Massachusetts, a married person living apart from his or her spouse may seek spousal and/or child support under limited conditions. An action for separate support is uncommon due to the limited circumstances under which one will be granted, and due to the current ease of obtaining a divorce. Separate support is by no means a functional equivalent to divorce; however, please contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation to explore the option of this and other non-divorce measures to solving family problems.

Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements, often abbreviated prenups, are agreements in which future spouses seek to outline what will happen in the event of their divorce. The content of prenups can vary widely, but they are usually meant to protect each party's assets from being divided like all other marital property at the time of divorce. If and when a couple is divorced, a strong, well written prenuptial agreement can preempt many areas of contention and aid in a smooth and fair divorce process. A poorly written agreement can lead to extensive litigation and can even be invalidated by a court, leaving parties' assets vulnerable to property division. At Rothschild Legal Group, we provide our clients with strong and expertly drafted prenuptial agreements, protecting them and their assets if and when divorce becomes a possibility. Please contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation regarding your need for a prenuptial agreement.

Child Custody, Child Support and Visitation
Whether discussed in the context of a divorce, in modifying an existing parenting plan, or between two unmarried parents, the subjects of child custody, child support and visitation are among the most contentious that family lawyers deal with. When negotiating or litigating such an emotional and important issue, the importance of good legal council cannot be overstated. The goal of the courts and both parents is always a parenting plan that serves the best interests of the children involved. At Rothschild Legal Group we employ professional negotiation and litigation techniques to ensure that our clients and the parenting plan that they support are viewed in the best light, both when looked at by the court and by opposing parties. Please contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation with any child custody, child support, or visitation issues you may be facing.

Guardianship or Conservatorship
When someone is unable to make important decisions for themselves because of age, illness, or mental health issues, the court may appoint a guardian to represent them in legal or medical matters. Guardianships, and related legal relationships called conservatorships, can be used to protect a loved one by allowing the guardian to make decisions on the incapacitated person's behalf, consistent with what they themselves would do if they were able. Because of the personal nature of such a relationship, and the potential for its abuse, the process of obtaining a guardianship or conservatorship can be complicated. At Rothschild Legal Group, we are familiar with the court's processes and requirements; our staff attends to the necessary documentation, petitions the court, and ensures that this process is as streamlined as possible for our clients.

In some cases, an outside party may disagree with the decisions an existing guardian or conservator is making on behalf of an incapacitated party. In these cases, the outside party may petition the court to review these decisions or even terminate the existing guardianship or conservatorship. Whether defending the decisions of an existing guardian/conservator, or contesting an abuse of the power, Rothschild Legal Group has both the knowledge of the law and professional litigation services to ensure these relationships are not abused and continue to serve those they are intended to help.

Please contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation regarding the creation of a guardianship or conservatorship, to defend a current guardianship or conservatorship against a claim of abuse, or to explore the option of challenging an existing guardianship or conservatorship.

Name Changes
Legally changing your name is a relatively simple process; however, it does require strict compliance with some rules and steps that the average person may be unfamiliar with. At Rothschild Legal Group, we are familiar with the process, which usually requires little more than paperwork, payment of court costs and arranging public notice. In most cases, we are able to complete a simple, uncontested name change for $50.00 + expenses, and without the client ever appearing in court. Please contact Rothschild Legal Group for more information.

Establishment of Paternity
When a child is born to two biological parents who are not married to each other, the person named as the father on that child's birth certificate is seen as the legal father of that child. In cases where the mother of a child is married, the mother's husband is listed and treated as the child's father, regardless of the child's biological parentage. Being incorrectly listed as a child's father can lead to legal obligations to support that child, and not being listed as a child's father jeopardizes the rights that come with being a parent. In cases of paternity, the focus of the courts is on the welfare of the child and not necessarily on the rights of the listed father. It is extremely important to obtain competent legal counsel in these maters as soon an issue becomes known. At Rothschild Legal Group, our attorney and staff will act quickly, taking the action required to protect your rights or your child's. If you are incorrectly listed as a child's biological father, are seeking to establish yourself as a child's legal father, or wish to establish the identity of your child's legal father, please contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation as soon as possible.

Modification or Enforcement of Existing Orders
Many family law cases have far reaching effects on the lives of the parties involved, long after the conclusion of the case in the courthouse. Judicial orders, issued based on the circumstances at the time, will continue to govern child support, spousal support, child custody, visitation, and any other ongoing obligations until the end of the order, regardless of the ability of the parties to follow them. Circumstances often change in family law, making the observance of these orders impracticable, impossible or unfair. In these cases, an attorney can assist clients by petitioning the court to modify these orders in the interests of fairness. Also, there are cases where a party refuses to honor their obligations under an existing judicial order. In these cases, an attorney can assist clients by asking the court to enforce the order through various methods, up to and including imprisonment. Whether a client is seeking modification or enforcement, it is essential that their position be effectively communicated to the court, so that it may be evaluated against the judicial standards for enforcement or modification. Expert representation from Rothschild Legal Group ensures that our client's position is viewed in the best light by the court, is legally persuasive, and warrants the measure of judicial action that client is seeking. If you are currently affected by any judicial order, and wish to change or request enforcement of that order, please contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation.

During a marriage, the parties have an obligation to support each other unconditionally. When a marriage is dissolved, often a court will order one party to continue supporting the other based on principals of equity and fairness. Courts seek to avoid dramatic changes in the lifestyles of the parties simply because of divorce; alimony, sometimes called spousal support, is a tool the court uses to prevent this.

As a part of the divorce process, alimony is usually a point of contention between the parties because it can be so helpful to the payee and draining on the payer. Also, there are intricate tax consequences to paying and receiving spousal support, which further complicate negotiations. At Rothschild Legal Group, not only do clients receive expert representation throughout negotiation and trial, but we also seek to educate each client as to their options throughout the process, ensuring the most desirable outcome with regard to alimony and all facets of their divorce. For further information, please consult the Divorce section of our services page and contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation.

Alimony Modifications
In an action to modify an existing alimony order or request alimony post-divorce, facts will likely be presented before a court to determine if a new order is appropriate. In these cases, a judge will look for specific criteria that may warrant a new order. It is important that the relevant information is presented in a way that suggests the presence or absence of these criteria in order to affect a fair and desirable result. At Rothschild Legal Group, our attorney possesses the skill and familiarity with the law to effectively present and argue these motions, ensuring the best result possible for our clients. For more information on modifying alimony orders please contact Rothschild Legal Group for a free consultation.

A Simple and Effective Approach to Divorce
A divorce, the most frequently handled case type at Rothschild Legal Group, is the process of legally dissolving a marriage. A final divorce can dictate long lasting or permanent terms that affect the former spouse's future lives; property is divided, debt is assigned, child support and alimony obligations are set, and child custody is awarded. By hiring Rothschild Legal Group, each of our clients assure themselves an attorney who will work, through negotiation and legal action, to finalize their divorce under the best terms possible.
Types of Divorce and the Role of Legal Counsel
Contested Divorce: In a contested divorce, the divorcing parties cannot agree with regard to one or more issues in the dissolution of their marriage. In many contested divorce actions, our firm's collaborative and results-oriented approach to negotiation can resolve conflicts and provide a more cost sensitive and satisfying divorce process for all involved. In truly irresolvable cases, any disagreements are brought before a judge for trial. In these cases, our skilled litigator works on behalf of our clients, to ensure their position is clear, their arguments are legally persuasive, and most importantly, the outcome is the best possible. By retaining Rothschild Legal Group in a contested divorce, costly and common mistakes are avoided, and each client benefits from a professional and streamlined experience.
Uncontested Divorce: An uncontested divorce occurs when the divorcing parties agree to the terms of their separation, draft a separation agreement, and that agreement is approved and made enforceable by a judge. A well drafted agreement is a blueprint on which the parties can rely when building their new life after the divorce; a poorly drafted or short-sighted agreement can lead to lingering problems between the parties, and expensive post-divorce litigation. At Rothschild Legal Group, we provide strong and well drafted agreements based on our experience with divorced and divorcing clients. Our clients save time, money, and aggravation, in both the short and long term, by retaining our firm for their uncontested divorce.
The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.